Lab 5B: Loop program (X86-64)

A. Introduction:

  • In this lab, we will begin to use assembly language for architecture AArch64 and x86-64
  • To view the code for AArch64, please visit this pastebin link
  • Before you go on, I must say that this is similar to the AArch64 version. The only difference is where the remainder and quotient are stored in the memory

B. Code explanation:

I. Program sections and flows:

  • In assembly, there are different sections that serve a sole purpose. For example, the text section is used to store your code while the data and bss sections are used to declare variables
  • In the text section, there is a _start label that declare the start of the program

II. Constants and variables:

  • First, we need to have the maximum of loops we want to perform or it will be an infinite loop. For this program, we will be using 2 constants for the minimum and maximum loop. However, these are not variables, they are just constants
  • In the data section, we have 2 variables to store the message and the length of the message

III. Index checking:

  • As the index increasing, we need to check whether the index is single or double digit before we display it
  • To do so, we need to find the quotient and remainder by divide the index with 10
  • The remainder will be the digit on the right while the quotient will be the digit on the left
  • However, the quotient is stored in the ‘al’ register while the remainder is stored in the ‘dx’ register
  • Then, we check if the quotient is0 or not. If the quotient is 0 then the index only has one digit
  • Finally, after the digit are checked out, we will load them into the position after the “Loop: ” message

IV. Printing:

  • To print the message, we need to use specific values for the system call
  • The values including the address of the message, the length of the message, which operation and stream to use
  • In this case, the operation will be writing and the stream will be standard output

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